About Us

Ludo World is an indie studio situated in Tallinn, Estonia. We create mobile games: Ludo is an Esperanto word that means "game."

Released games: Filmo

Filmo introduces the Movies Charades game to the mobile device. A participant sees a pantomime scene and guesses which movie it depicts. To spice things up, the hint may be a graphic, an emoji, an animation, a list of actors, phrases, or even Hieroglyphics symbols.We welcome artists with talent in acting, drawing, or animation to submit their creations to be included in our game. They even have their own leaderboards that display the number of likes they receive.

Filmo is available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

In Progress: AI Or Not (A)

What is the difference between an AI learning to paint or write poems from existing artists and poets, and a human doing the same? Is a creation any less valid if it's made by AI?

Imagine enjoying a painting, relishing a poem, or laughing at a joke without knowing its creator. What if you find out it was made by AI? What if you couldn't tell it apart from a human's creation?

AI Or Not challenges players to discern whether various pieces of content—such as paintings, poems, and jokes—were created by humans or generative AI. The game taps into the current fascination with AI capabilities, particularly in how indistinguishable its outputs are from human creations. Highlights include:

AI Or Not is available as a Progressive Web App (PWA) that you can open on your web browser and then install it on your device.

In Progress: Ask Bee (B)

Ask Bee is designed to engage players in exploring various ethical schools of thought through interactive gameplay. The game allows players to:

Ask Bee is available as a Progressive Web App (PWA) that you can open on your web browser and then install it on your device.

In Progress: whY (Y - formerly Mesagisto)

Why did Napoleon decide to sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States in 1803, altering the geopolitical landscape of North America?

Why did Gilgamesh reject the advances of the goddess Ishtar, prompting her to send the Bull of Heaven to punish him?

Why did Cinderella's stepmother treat her so cruelly and force her to do all the household chores, instead of caring for her as her own daughter?

Why did Robin Hood choose to live in the forest of Sherwood, becoming an outlaw instead of pursuing a life within the law?

Our new game is whY. It's interactive fiction with a twist: the player isn't in the first person. He/she is the main character's buddy. These characters are based on real-life, literary, or legendary people. These characters and the player communicate using a messenger-like application. One essential aspect of the game is that the player may be both a friend and an opponent to a character, and so hear various versions of the same tale from each of them.

whY is available on Google Play Store and as a Progressive Web App (PWA) that you can open on your web browser and then install it on your device.

In Progress: Ask Zee (Z)

Ask Zee modernizes the traditional advice column by providing responses that mimic the styles or ideas of famous thinkers and celebrities. This game allows players to:

Ask Zee is available as a Progressive Web App (PWA) that you can open on your web browser and then install it on your device.


Filmo Trailer
AI Or Not Game Play
Ask Bee Game Play
whY Game Play
Ask Zee Game Play

More Information

Sepapaja 6, Tallinn 15551, ​Estonia
+372 602 7414
info AT ludo DOT world
YouTube Channel
LinkedIn Page